Elks Youth Camp Barrett
State Project: Maryland Delaware and District of Columbia Elks Association
Elks Youth Camp Barrett helps young children of all backgrounds grow into responsible maturity through a sustained camping experience which provides a creative, recreational opportunity in group living in the out-of-doors. Camping season for lodge sponsored children runs from June through August, for youth ages 9-13. Elks Youth Camp Barrett is open year-round and is available for use by Lodges, scouting groups, churches and civic groups.
Email: elkscb@verizon.net
For more information contact Greg Wilkes, PSP, Camp Operations Director, Elks Camp Barrett, 1001 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD, 21401, phone (410) 224- 2945, fax (401) 224-4558,
State Project
The fund was established in 1982 to honor our deceased Grand Lodge Sponsor, PGER William J. Jernick. Its purpose is to assist special needs children in our communities who are under the age of 21. Monies raised are held in a trust fund modeled after the Elks National Foundation in that only the interest earned on the funds investments are available for distribution. The principle is never touched. We re-invest in the youth of our communities.
Toys For Tots
Local Washington County Project
Hagerstown Elks Lodge 378 has join with the Washington County Toys for Tots. The following is information on the Toys for Tots.
The mission of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
The primary goal of Toys for Tots is to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.
The objectives of Toys for Tots are to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to better communities in the future.
Elks across the nation are helping to ensure that fellow community members don't go hungry over the holidays, and many Lodges have been doing so for years.